Thursday, July 8, 2010

Another Chance To Do What?

I just finished watching a tv program in which a man (Prophet) gave some encouraging words about America. In a nut shell, things will look bad for the next months but God is working in America to give us another opportunity. is not too hard for me to believe. Even though I have not felt encouraged about our country for a long time. I believe if we are to receive another chance it will not be for our own profit. It will be for the profit of others. If we are to receive another chance it will be the opportunity to give it all! We are like the rich young man who came to Jesus and proclaimed that he had done all to keep the commandments since he was a child. Jesus told him "Well done". The Bible says that Jesus Loved him. The young ruler was invited to come and be the Savior's disciple. Jesus said, you lack one thing, go and sell all that you have and come and follow me.


I believe that this is the word for this generation of Americans.

This is it.
This is the time.
This is the call.
Give it all!

In the first century the early Christians sold all that they owned and had all things in common. This sounds so strange to us today in a nation where we are so independent and self reliant. But, the reality was that in just a few short years they were going to loose all that they had. In 70 A.D. Jerusalem was sacked and the Jews and the Christians were dispersed into other nations. They became missionaries wether they wanted to or not. We live with such a high standard of living in this country. even those of us who think we live a very modest to low income life earn the top 1% of the worlds wealth.


I'm not posting this to proclaim that I have arrived and have succeeded in achieving this call. On the contrary, I am posting this because this is what my husband and I are hearing! We need to get out of debt and be free to go and do what ever he asks us to do. He has never revoked the call to "GO" and it was not only given to those first apostles and Christians. We have ears, let us hear the call also. I am praying "Lord, have mercy on me!

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