Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Since my mother has been sick, and with the addition of Jericho to our family, I have found a greater meaning to the phrase crucifying the flesh. Like so many concepts in the scripture there are different ways to understand or live out the meaning. Sin for example is not just don't do this or don't do that but it is also something you neglect to do that you should have done. I am finding that God is teaching me to crucify my flesh in a whole new way. Not in denying it the pleasure of a candy bar (that is not a bad thing to deny it I might add) or spending time in fasting and prayer (two essential spiritual foods) but actually doing for others when I would rather do for myself. Realizing that meeting the needs of others is real servitude in the kingdom of God. It is time as a Christian that I walk the talk when it comes to those in need, especially those of my own household. God forbid that my Christianity be in vain and that I would become an offense to the Gospel. What we need in America is Christians actually following Christ’s example of servant hood and laying down our lives for our brothers.


Chuck and Anita said...

Hi Willetta,

You can leave a post now :)

willetta said...

Ok, I will give it a try. Love you guys!!