Thursday, July 30, 2009

Our Trip to Ethiopia

Thursday, april 23, 2009
we slept good until Chuck woke up with food poisoning about midnight!  He was sick all night long.  I felt so bad for him.  We think it was his food at the Hilton Hotel.  He had veal parmesan.  He didn't feel any better by morning.  I listened to the Orthodox canters chant their morning prayers beginning today at 4:30 am.  First, there was one who wasn't very good (maybe that is why he was the first to go).  Next, came the main canter, I liked him.  You could tell that he was more accustomed to chanting.  It really does sound like a call to prayer, almost instrumental.  After him around 5:30 or so there were 3 who chanted at once.  I thought at any minute they were going to break into a barbershop quartet!  Very strange but interesting.  I enjoyed the concert.  
Jericho and I were the only ones for breakfast.  He had diarrhea last night and by morning we had gone through at least 5 diapers!  I don't know if he had a touch of something or if he has parasites.  
Chuck rested during the morning.  We did not finish our shopping as we had planned.  Maybe tomorrow we will have time.  At lunch time Chuck did not feel better.  He came to lunch in the dinning room but had to leave because of the smell of the food.  Tsegay tried to find him some medicine but I don't think it helped much.  Our appointment at the embassy was at 2:30 and we left at 1:30 from the HOH.  A famous singer from Addis had just died and his funeral was today.  Many of the streets were closed for the people to walk to the church where he was to be.  It took us much longer to get to the embassy because we had to take back roads.  Chuck still was not well and the embassy did not have air.  It was so hot that it made me feel sick.  Chuck barely made it.
We thought the American Embassy would be very nice and have air conditioning but it did not.  The waiting room was filled with other Americans adopting little ones and the room for our appointment was up one more flight of stairs.  Poor Chuck.  
We stopped at a pharmacy on the way back and Chuck picked up some medicine which helped him a great deal.  Anyone off the street can come in and buy medications.  Chuck said that you would have to have a prescription in America to get what he bought.
Once back at the HOH Chuck laid down to rest and Jericho and I went down to the court yard to take pictures of all his friends.  Tesfu helped me by writing their names.  The first person I took a picture of was the gate keeper.  He is the sweetest man.  Jericho loves him.  He cries to go to him.  His name is Toshome Negewo.  I got pictures of his nanny, helpers, one of the many who are constantly washing diapers.  The cook, who I think is the heart and soul of the place.  She pitches in and does whatever needs to be done.  From cooking to emptying potty chairs to stepping in to elp with babies.  His nanny's name is Harege and the cook is Simegn.  Tesfu had a hard time writing their names because he had to translate to English alphabet.  I didn't realize that until right now.  We exchanged email addresses with Tesfu and really hope to keep in touch.  He wants to come to America and go to school.  I hope he gets to.  
Chuck felt well enough to eat some bread fro supper and got more liquid in him.  He was dehydrated at the embassy.  He looked like he was going to pass out or be sick andy second.

Tsegay and Almas came to our room after supper to see how Chuck was feeling and apologized that Almas would not be able to go tomorrow to the orphanage with us to meet Jericho's birthmother.  I am a little nervous about the meeting but I know it will help her and give us a better understanding of her situation and maybe Jericho's family history.  Almas suggested that we give her one of the picture books that we sent to Jerich0 after his referral.  I have pictures of him and us in it.  After they left we packed our suitcases so we would be all ready to go to the airport at 6:30 pm on Friday!  We are so ready to get home to Gunner!!!

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