Sunday, November 22, 2009

Teshome, God's Gatekeeper

This is Tesfu (on the right) he was our driver in Ethiopia.  Great Guy!  Couldn't say enough about how important he was to us.  The other man is Teshome the gatekeeper at the House of Hope where we stayed.  The children all loved him.  He was much more than a guard or door opener, he was part of Jericho's family at the orphanage.  Jericho LOVED him.  
Teshome would rub the back of Jericho's head and speak very softly to him.  No wonder Jericho loved him.  Very gentle and sweet man.  I am thankful for God's people who give of themselves freely, not for recognition or promotion but for the "Least of These".  God bless Teshome today.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bedtime Stories

I'm writing a story about barfoot-bearnies, wizzetts, and dopple-ding-dangers.  There are also dopple-ding-downers who are related the the ding-dangers but totally opposite.    The barfoot-bearnies live under leaves and roll up in balls when they are scared.  They are very social and would rather share a leaf with a neighbor than live by themselves.  Wizzetts float through the air and are light as a feather and if they are not careful they will be carried about by every strong wind that comes along.  The dopple-ding-dangers are shaped like an inverted bell with a loose head which clangs against their shoulders if they do not prop themselves up with a stiff collar.  The dopple-ding-downers have a body shaped like a pear and if they are not mindful of what they eat they become so bottom heavy that their little legs can barely carry them.