Saturday, October 31, 2009

This is Jericho's first Trick or Treat.  He wasn't sure what was going on.  Gunner didn't know the beautiful princess but she was to magnificent for us to pass up.  They had a great time.  It's all about the candy :)

A Little Cowboy, Jericho

Friday, October 30, 2009

Am I Ready for This?

Had a dream that we went to Ethiopia to pick up another child only when we left they sent us home with two!  We were concerned about not having the the paperwork for the second child and they said "oh, no problem, they will take him at customs and keep him until you get your paperwork ready."!!!  ?????

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

He poured in the oil and the wine
the kind that restoreth my soul
He found me bleeding and dying on the Jericho Road
and He poured in the oil and the wine.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

It Works!

You really can stand an egg on it's end on the Fall Equinox!  They also stood the egg on the bare table without the runner.  

10,000 More

We had a big scare this week!  Jericho suddenly began running a high fever.   After checking a second time and seeing 103.1 he began seizing!  I called Chuck.  Luckily he just returned to town from the morning away and beat the ambulance to our house.  I called 911 and prayed and put cold, wet clothes on his head.  Poor little guy.  He had two IV's that could not be used to draw blood so he had to have another stick to draw blood, an x-ray, and had to be catheterized!  We spent the better half of the day in the ER and found out that he had pneumonia!  We didn't know he was sick!  By the next day he was already back to his old self, playing, eating and being sweet as usual.  
This scare made me vividly aware that if Jericho was still in Ethiopia he would not make it.  With no medical care or antibiotic he would have died.  For me this makes the plight of our brothers and sisters in suffering countries very real.  For every one child adopted from a third world country there are 10,000 more who are orphaned and alone and will not be rescued.  If we want to please God we must care for the fatherless and the widows, this is his heart.  When you see a child who obviously is adopted by any family remember those who are left with no one to care for them and pray for a way to help.  I am going to post some sites which give us an avenue to get involved.  keep checking in.